The Unplugged Program

Release your subconscious blocks | Reconnect to yourself at the CORE | Design the life you desire
What to learn how to feel, connect with and communicate your emotions?
Finally release the blocks that are holding you back?
So that you can:
Find your moments of joy
Break free from the modern, high-stress lifestyle
Start picking YOU
Set healthy boundaries
Do you have a slight or deep feeling that life could be better, but you cannot figure out what that looks like or you don’t know how to get out of our way?
If you said “YES” to any of these questions, my Unplugged Program is for YOU! As promised, here is the release of how I use The Porter Method in my Unplugged Program, which includes emotional release techniques, movement, and inner work.
This program helps you work through your subconscious blocks to reconnect to yourself at the CORE, which is the groundwork of creating sustainable change and designing the life you desire!
Start living from the inside out, not the outside in!
My Unplugged Program works in a 5 step process:
- Release subconscious blocks- Working in the fitness and wellness industry, I found that when people are stuck at a plateau with their fitness, health, and relationships, most of the time, it stems from emotional baggage. In this twenty week program, you’ll go through different practices to help you start identifying where your blocks are. Once you’ve started recognizing the trapped emotions, this is where you will use the one emotion code session to help finally release those blocks and trapped emotions.
- Emotion Code-Within these sessions, we can work on the issues that you feel are holding you back like past trauma, current problems such as depression, self-sabotage, commitment, lack of motivation, negative self-talk, etc.
- Movement session– The body also needs healthy movement to release trapped emotions and get our energy flowing, which helps us reconnect with ourselves.
- The art of being present– Empowerment comes through self-awareness. You will learn techniques that will help you learn to be present in your body so that you can listen to your mind and body needs before you are worn out and depleted. These practices will also help you win back your day so that you become more productive and create the life you desire on a daily/weekly basis.
- Power of the subconscious– Become aware of your self-talk and self-sabotage, learn to change with “I am” statements and affirmations. When we open up our minds to new ways of healing, we can begin to let go of what isn’t serving us. However, we can’t always see what is in our subconscious mind that keeps us stuck on our plateaus. This is where an expert can help you find those mental blocks and give you the tools you need to move past them.
- Establish a self-love routine– You will learn how to check in with yourself daily and assess from the check-in how to fulfill your needs, how to rebuild a new, healthy relationship with yourself to help eliminate the negative self-talk and self-sabotage. From this and other practices, you will create a plan to nourish your mental, emotional, and physical well being.
- Implementation-You will learn how to pull it all together and implement a practice that will work for YOU!
We learn best not when we are held accountable, but when people help us feel accounted for. In this small group coaching, you will be given the framework and tools that will help you learn how to reconnect with yourself at the CORE, which is the groundwork of creating sustainable change and designing the life you desire.
What is included in the small group Unplugged Coaching:
- Lifetime Access To Coaching Modules, Videos, and Tools
- Module 0-Pre Work- You will start some practices to help gain insight into patterns of your blocks.
- Module 1–Mindset – Is the driving factor in your results. You will learn practice and techniques to help you figure out where your roadblocks are and steps to eliminate them.
- Module 2– The art of becoming present– Practices that help you become present so you can start reconnecting to yourself at the core, your intuition. Creating a practicing of becoming still, will give insight into what you what your for your future self.
- Module 3–5 + 4 Implementation– Commitments we make with ourselves that help relieve your levels of stress. How to start implementing healthy habits for our emotional, mental, and physical well being.
- Module 4-Mind/body connection-Did you know that we store emotions in our muscles? You will start to learn how your trapped emotions can affect your physical well being.
- Module 5- Chakras- What are chakras? How do they affect our health, mind, how we perceive the world, release our past trauma, and hold the keys to opening new doors to our future?
- Module 6-We become what we think– Once you have a better understanding of how your emotions can translate to physical issues with your body, I will explain how our thoughts and intentions can affect the outcomes of our lives.
- Module 7-Belief drive behavior-Now that you have an understanding of how the subconscious works, how your intentions and your thought process is connected to creating your reality, you can see how your beliefs drive your behaviors in everyday life. You will go over goal setting, plan out your week, and tips for maintaining healthy energy.
- 60-minute group calls once a week for twenty weeks-calls will include the following:
- Group yoga sessions that will show specific poses to help release trapped emotions, help with range of motion, flexibility, and strength
- Dive deep into the topics in modules
- How to start a meditation practice
- Guided meditations to help release subconscious blocks and more
- How to create a self-care routine
- Q & A
- and much more
- Four Emotion Code Sessions– This is a form of an emotional release technique ($ 800 value)-If you are not familiar with this technique, please check out the info below.
- The science behind how the Emotion Code works featured on a radio podcast, which you can check out here
- T.V. segment, which you can check out here
- Mine and my client’s testimonials here.
- Lifetime access to Sirrine Yoga Online ($359 a year value)
- Access to my email for questions between group calls
- Discounted Emotion sessions
- Access to private Unplugged Facebook group with accountability and motivational messages.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to finally remove the noise in your life that isn’t serving you. Reconnect to yourself at the CORE, win back your day, and design the life you desire! If you keep thinking that your life could be better, but you just can’t get out of your own way, this program is for YOU! STOP making excuses and realize you deserve better! When you start taking care of YOU, it will have a positive ripple effect on those around you!
Early Bird Ends
There are only 5 spots available for this exclusive offer.
The early bird special is $797
Unplugged Coaching Program includes weekly coaching with me for 8 weeks to give you tools that you can implement to start living from the inside out, not the outside in! Coaching will start in January of 2021, but you will have 1-2 weeks of pre-work.
This special offer will ONLY be available until 1/31/2021 at 12 a.m. PST. The price will go up to $1459 after this date. Take advantage of this offer before it’s too late.
The story behind my Unplugged Program:
Take off the masks and facades
Currently, in a world filled with noise, how do you unplug from it to stay connected to yourself at the core? How can we unplug from societal norms, dispose of the toxic stories we tell ourselves, and remove the negative labels that are holding us back from success?
In November of 1999, was the start of my career of being a licensed and practicing massage therapist. Over that time, I’ve heard some crazy stories; more importantly, I’ve learned a lot about people and myself. This summer, I started to share some of those stories from my clients and invited you to participate in the virtual summit, “The Unplugged Show: The Antidote to the Modern Lifestyle for High Performers.” My “Why” in sharing these stories and hosting this summit was to help bring awareness to the idea that we as people have more in common than we think. In a sense, we all long for acceptance, love, and the opportunity to live authentic and fulfilling lives.
Most of us are too scared to let our guard down and let others know we are struggling. What if we could let our guard down? I have so many stories to share that would make you laugh, cry, make your jaw drop, and so much more. I have had the privilege to listen to the life stories of people for 21 years and have come to understand the saying, “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” I have been blown away with stories of resilience and triumph, which has given me fuel to keep going when I have been in a low place. I have also learned that most of us spend more energy keeping up false appearances that can eventually lead us to a place of feeling stuck and on autopilot. This sounded all too familiar while running a business for 20 years and raising three kids with my husband.
We either have a slight or deep feeling that we know life could be better, but we cannot figure out what that looks like or don’t know how to get out of our way. After years of seeing these patterns, not only within myself but in my clients, I felt very inspired to put together a formula that would remove the noise in their lives. Let go of the stories and labels that are keeping you STUCK and learn how to reconnect to yourself at the CORE, win back your day, and design the life you desire! The formula, my antidote, “The Porter Method,” includes emotional release techniques, movement, and inner work.

This will allow you to break free from the modern, high-stress lifestyle.
How you can find yourself again.
And how you can lift away that huge weight you hold on your shoulders every day.
It’s my mission.
And I can’t wait to show you the way!
Coaching Offer Closes
There are only 5 spots available for this exclusive offer.
The early bird special is $797
Unplugged Coaching Program includes weekly coaching with me for 8 weeks to give you tools that you can implement to start living from the inside out, not the outside in! Coaching will start in January of 2021, but you will have 1-2 weeks of pre-work.
This special offer will ONLY be available until 1/31/2021 at 12 a.m. PST. The price will go up to $1459 after this date. Take advantage of this offer before it’s too late.